Winter Celebrations
Chanukah 5783 with Bet Alef
We were delighted that this year, for once, Chanukah fell during winter vacation. Jews, too, were able to enjoy some time off for our holidays. We have a long way to go to ensure every religious tradition can also benefit from having days off to celebrate their holidays, and we will continue to advocate for that to soon become reality for everyone.
Since Chanukah came close the last days of December and in order to still mark the holiday in community, we joined for a pre-Chanukah Shabbat celebration on Friday December 16.
Our community brought their chanukiah and all 9 candles to bring as much light into the darkness of the longest nights of the year. Of course, we would have been remiss if we didn’t also enjoy a few latkes and suvganiot to top it all off.
Please enjoy our slideshow of this community event.
Chanukah Celebration Shabbat
Join us for a special celebratory Shabbat for Chanukah. This annual community celebration is live and in-person at Seattle’s Center for Spiritual Living. We light the candles, share the songs and delight in the stories of Chanukah.

Tu BiShvat
Join Bet Alef for a celebration of the Birthday of the Trees. In the darkest, coldest time of winter, we gather together to plant and to remember growth and longevity.